本表格只作登記用途。 任何經過本表格登記需經協會確認並繳交費用,報名方為有效。
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Terms of Agreement
By submitting this application form, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Eligibility: You confirm that all information provided in this application is accurate and that you meet the eligibility requirements for the activities you wish to enroll in.

2. Participation: You agree to participate in the scheduled activities and to comply with all rules and regulations set forth by the organizers.

3. Health and Safety: You acknowledge that participation in certain activities may involve physical exertion and risk. You agree to inform the organizers of any health conditions that may affect your participation and to take full responsibility for your own health and safety during the activities.

4. Cancellation and Refund Policy: You understand the cancellation and refund policy provided by the organizers. Any requests for cancellations or refunds must be made in accordance with this policy.

5. Use of Personal Information: You consent to the collection and use of your personal information by the organizers for the purpose of administering the activities. Your information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with third parties without your consent, except as required by law.

6. Liability Waiver: You release the organizers from any liability for injuries, losses, or damages incurred as a result of your participation in the activities, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct by the organizers.

7. Photographs and Media: You grant permission to the organizers to take photographs and videos during the activities and to use these materials for promotional purposes, without compensation to you.

8. Modification of Terms: The organizers reserve the right to modify these terms at any time. Any changes will be communicated to you, and continued participation in the activities will constitute acceptance of the modified terms.

By checking the box above and submitting this form, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these terms of agreement.

1. 資格:您確認所提供的所有資料均為真確,且您符合所報名活動的資格要求。

2. 參與:您同意按計劃參加活動,並遵守主辦方制定的所有規則和規定。

3. 健康與安全:您知悉參加某些活動可能涉及體力消耗和風險。您同意告知主辦方任何可能影響您參與活動的健康狀況,並對自己在活動期間的健康和安全負全責。

4. 取消和退款政策:您理解主辦方提供的取消和退款政策。任何取消或退款請求必須依照該政策進行。
5. 個人資料使用:您同意主辦方收集和使用您的個人資料以管理活動。您的資料將被保密,除法律要求外,不會在未經您同意的情況下與第三方分享。
6. 責任豁免:除非主辦方存在重大過失或故意不當行為,您同意釋放主辦方對於因參與活動而造成的任何傷害、損失或損害的責任。

7. 照片和媒體:您授權主辦方在活動期間拍攝照片和錄製視頻,並允許將這些材料用於宣傳用途,您不會因此獲得任何補償。

8. 條款修改:主辦方保留隨時修改這些條款的權利。任何變更將通知您,繼續參與活動即表示接受修改後的條款。
